On this page, you’ll learn:

  • When you should use a URL versus a cross reference.

  • How to create links with and without link text.

  • How to escape a URL.

  • How to handle complex URLs.

URL or cross reference?

Use AsciiDoc’s URL syntax when you need to create a link to an external URL. External URLs are links to webpages that aren’t built as part of your documentation site by your Antora pipeline.

When you want to link to a page that is part of your documentation site, use the xref macro instead.

URL syntax

To create a link to an external URL, all you need to do is add the URL prefixed with its scheme.

Example 1. Raw URL syntax
Chat with other documentation writers at https://gitter.im/antora/users.

Links that begin with official schemes, such as https, ftp, mailto, etc., are automatically turned into hyperlinks when they’re processed.


Chat with other documentation writers at https://gitter.im/antora/users.

To attach a URL to text, enclose the text in square brackets ([]) at the end of the URL.

Example 2. URL with link text syntax
Looking for help?
Visit the https://gitter.im/antora/users[Antora chat room].

Looking for help? Visit the Antora chat room.

Asciidoctor resources

Escape a URL

When you want to display a URL but you don’t want it to be active, you can escape it by prepending it with a backslash (\).

Example 3. Escape syntax
This URL is displayed, \https://gitlab.com, but isn't clickable.

This URL is displayed, https://gitlab.com, but isn’t clickable.

Asciidoctor resources

Troubleshooting URLs

A URL may not display correctly when it contains characters such as underscores (_) or carets (^) because these characters get interpreted as text formatting markup.

There are two ways to solve this situation.

  • Option 1: Create a custom attribute for the URL.

  • Option 2: Use the inline pass macro with macros enabled.

Create an attribute for a URL

Let’s make an attribute for a complex URL. Creating an attribute for a URL is also a good strategy when the URL is long; it keeps the source text clean for writers and editors.

Example 4. Custom AsciiDoc attribute syntax
= Page Title
:url-peak: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Antora+Peak/@38.3249976,-106.2355882,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x871572433f469bd7:0xd2bdf15e615cd269!8m2!3d38.3249994!4d-106.2180786!5m1!1e4 (1)

{url-peak}[This URL] was complicated, but a page attribute came to our rescue! (2)
1 Create an attribute, with the name of your choice, in the header of your source file. Assign the URL to it.
2 When you want to create a link to that URL in your text, use the attribute (i.e., reference that attribute), as you would have used the URL.

This URL was complicated, but a page attribute came to our rescue!

Use the pass macro

If you want to display a complex URL and ensure it doesn’t get caught up in any text formatting, put it inside a pass macro and enable the macros substitution, which is what substitutes links.

Here’s how a pass macro with the macros substitution enabled is constructed:

pass:macros[URL goes between these brackets]

Here’s a pass macro in action:

Example 5. Pass macro with macros substitution syntax
Anyone want to climb this 13er with me? (pass:macros[https://www.14ers.com/13ers/peak.php?peakkey=4740])

Anyone want to climb this 13er with me? (https://www.14ers.com/13ers/peak.php?peakkey=4740)