Images Directory and Image Files
Images family directory
A module directory can contain an optional family directory named images.
📂 modules 📂 ROOT 📂 images (1) 📄 a-source-file.gif (2) 📄 a-source-file.jpg 📂 pages 📄 a-source-file.adoc 📄 nav.adoc
1 | An images family directory in a ROOT module directory |
2 | An image source file |
Antora applies preset behavior to the source files stored in an images directory when it generates a site.
Images are resources, such as photographs, diagrams, and screenshots. The source files for images are stored in an images family directory. Antora supports the PNG, JPG, SVG, and GIF (static and animated) image file formats.
An image can be embedded into any page or partial, regardless of the module or component version it belongs to, using its resource ID and an AsciiDoc block image macro or inline image macro. If an image isn’t referenced in an AsciiDoc image macro, its content won’t be published to a site.